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Function Well

Function Well

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Function Well


Every day 9 Australians take their own life.

Function Well are coming together as a community to participate in Walk for Awareness and am fundraising for Mental Awareness Foundation to help prevent this. You're welcome to join our team or donate to our page to show your support, donations will help fund life-saving counselling sessions.

Donations are secure and all donations over $2 are tax deductible.

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    Activity Summary

    Donate to make a difference

    The Trustee for Mental Awareness Foundation

    Mental Awareness Foundation exists to support organisations and charities directly on the front line of mental health services. The Foundation is dedicated to breaking the stigma and taboo around suicide and mental health.The aim of the Mental Awareness Foundation is to raise awareness around depression and mental illness through funding programs, events and stakeholder initiatives, whilst supporting the preservation of life.The flagship event of the Mental Awareness Foundation is Walk for Awareness, a 9klm event recognised as Australia's largest mental health walk which kicks off Mental Health week on 9th October.

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    Recent Donations


    Fundraising for

    is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

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